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Our educational programs are available in Contra Costa County. We aim to empower girls to pursue careers related to aviation and science by providing them with exposure to aviation and Cessna flight education. Join us in our mission to inspire the next generation of female pilots and scientists!


My name is Lille Taylor, a high school sophomore in Contra Costa County, and I started as a nonprofit organization to share my passion about science and aviation.


My mission is to bring aviation and Cessna flight education exposure to girls to empower them to pursue careers related to aviation and science. In the process, I'll bring you along on my journey to get my private pilot's license to show you how to do it, too!



By providing girls with the opportunity to explore aviation and science, I hope to inspire others to achieve their dreams and become the next generation of female pilots and scientists. offers a range of educational programs and resources for girls interested in aviation and science, including airport tours, aircraft orientations, FBO visits, and more. Our team is dedicated to providing girls with the support and guidance they need to succeed in these fields. Join us in our mission to inspire and empower the next generation of female pilots and scientists!

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